Luz Vazquez | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Luz Vazquez
Awakening Ally

MMA Professional

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Luz Vazquez personal details

First Name Luz
Last Name Vazquez
Birth Name Luz Clara Vazquez
Age 36 
Date of Birth September 2, 1988
Born Villa Gesell, Argentina
Residence Buenos Aires, Argentina
Status Active
Nationality Argentine
Weight class
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Height 5ft 6in / 167cm
Reach -

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MMA Professional

Luz Vazquez fight history

W Núbia Nascimento TKO (Medical Stoppage) MMA 11/19/22 Empire MMA 3, Parque Ecologico Los Salados, Retiro, Antioquia, Colombia W
4:47 R2 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Alicia Ayala Andino Rear-Naked Choke MMA 10/28/17 Xtreme Cage Fight 2, Complejo Polideportivo Ian Barney, Obera, Misiones, Argentina W
2:31 R2 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Monica Leon Armbar MMA 05/22/10 Warriors MMA Fighting Championship, Cali, Columbia W
1:07 R1 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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