LeAnn Amundson | MMA » Wrestling | Awakening Fighters

LeAnn Amundson
Awakening Ally
United States

MMA Professional

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MMA 1 Submission

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LeAnn Amundson personal details

First Name LeAnn
Last Name Amundson
Birth Name -
Age 37 
Date of Birth October 13, 1987
Born Watford City, North Dakota, United States
Residence Sidney, Montana, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class Flyweight
Weight range 115 - 135lbs / 52 - 61kg
Preferred 125lbs / 57kg
Height 5ft 6in / 167cm
Reach -

LeAnn Amundson social networks

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LeAnn Amundson martial arts details

MMA Professional
Wrestling Practitioner
Muay Thai Practitioner
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner
Judo Practitioner

LeAnn Amundson fight history

W Jennifer Sutherland North-South Choke MMA 09/13/14 Boomtown Brawl 5, Dickinson, North Dakota, United States W
1:28 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Ashleigh Heustis TKO (Punches) MMA 12/14/13 Impact Fighting Championship 11, Bismarck, North Dakota, United States L
1:32 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Jessica Doerner TKO (Kick to the Body) MMA 09/07/13 Magic City Mayhem 3, Minot, North Dakota, United States L
1:57 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

“I’m all for women being independent, powerful and strong. I hate when people say, ‘You hit like a girl.’ Look at Ronda Rousey, she hits like a girl and that’s not a girl I’d like to be hit by. She really set the tone for all female fighters and it’s getting very large. I feel very blessed to be part of the very beginning and I love that I’m inspiring other females to get out there and do it.”

LeAnn Amundson’s Bio

LeAnn Amundson is a female fighter from Watford City, North Dakota, United States.

At the age of 11, LeAnn was struck by a motorist while riding her bike. She suffered a fractured leg and back, severe blood loss and was in a coma for several days. Doctors did not know if she would survive the accident, and afterwards, warned her that she might never be able to have kids or regain mobility. Thankfully LeAnn has made an incredible recovery, and is now a proud mother and fighter. LeAnn credits part of her recovery to the support she received from her school basketball coach and team.

She first became inspired to martial arts after watching the season 5 The Ultimate Fighter finale. She began her own MMA training in 2013, and made her professional debut later that year.

Personal Life

LeAnn is mother to two daughters, Mickinzi and Triniti. She works as a lease operator in the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota and Montana.

Team Details

Name Role
Skagit Valley Muay Thai Gym / Affiliations
Vance Amundson (Wrestling) Trainer / Instructor / Coach
Shane Sandobal (Muay Thai) Trainer / Instructor / Coach
Vance Amundson (Coach & Husband) Management


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