Estheliz Hernandez | Boxing | Awakening Fighters

Estheliz Hernandez
Awakening Ally

Boxing Professional

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Estheliz Hernandez personal details

First Name Estheliz
Last Name Hernandez
Nickname/s La Negrita
Birth Name Estheliz Mariexie Hernández Guerra
Age 40 
Date of Birth August 12, 1984
Born Carabobo, Venezuela
Residence Venezuela
Status Active
Nationality Venezuelan
Weight class
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Height 5ft 4in / 162cm
Reach 66.5in

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Boxing Professional

Estheliz Hernandez fight history

L Francia Elena Bravo Split Decision Boxing 01/26/24 Restaurante Encanto, Tierra Negra, Boyaca, Colombia L
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Angi Romero Unanimous Decision Boxing 09/17/23 Canchas Sinteticas Maracana, Espinal, Colombia W
2:00 R8 / 8x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Adriana dos Santos Araujo Unanimous Decision Boxing† 02/29/20 Arena de Lutas, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil L
2:00 R10 / 10x2 Pro WBC Silver Super Lightweight title
W Yoselin Cedeno TKO Boxing 03/24/19 Gimnasio Pedro Cuggia, Caracas, Venezuela W
0:59 R4 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Rosa Maria Solano TKO Boxing 11/03/18 TNT Boxing Club, Bogota, Colombia W
0:38 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Angie Vargas Retirement Boxing 09/29/18 TNT Boxing Club, Bogota, Colombia W
..... R2 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Glenis Cardona TKO Boxing 08/11/18 Coliseo Centenario, Girardot, Colombia W
0:55 R3 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Paulina Cardona Unanimous Decision Boxing 06/02/18 TNT Boxing Club, Bogota, Colombia W
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Zuyensi Gonzalez TKO Boxing 08/23/17 Gimnasio Julio Ravelo Machado, La Victoria, Venezuela W
1:15 R1 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Estheliz Hernandez’s Bio

Estheliz Hernandez is a female boxer.

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