May Progress Report | Awakening Fighters

May Progress Report

by Rew MitchellPosted on

We had a particularly impressive month of updates to the female fighter database in April, due to a couple of hundred hours graft. We're making huge progress in our immediate goals and I'm excited to give you the rundown.

Before I get into that, I just wanted to mention what else has happened with Awakening outside of the database. I've put some more time into developing the Awakening YouTube channel - as I realized that the amount of videos I have planned for the coming months have potential to attract sponsors. I shouldn't have to spell it out, but with sponsors I will be able to make leaps in Awakening's progress, not just steps!

I also appeared on Georgia Verry's podcast last week for a chat. You can read all about it, or listen here.

So with that said, here is a list of the things we achieved in April.

April update

  • 145 New athletes added. This is twice the amount that we added during March, and perhaps much closer to a typical number of new athletes we might add per month. The database now has 19,018 athletes listed.
  • 3480 Athletes updated. This is the most we have ever updated in one month. Most of this work has been Evelyn, which I am eternally grateful for. The most exciting this about this particular point, is that we are now 3/4 of the way through the huge update I've been mentioning for some months now. We have been attaching the new-look fight history to each athlete. This part of the update in theory will be complete by the end of May. We are running exactly to plan, and come June you WILL start to notice that the database is being updated. That is to say, all the work we've been doing behind the scenes for the last two years will finally start to be apparent. I am so excited.
  • Awakening Profile Questionnaire system updated.  If you don't yet have a profile, or would like to send in some updates to an existing profile. You can download the new Profile Questionnaire here. Fill it out, and send it back to the email address below.

If you are an athlete or coach, and the particular profile you are watching hasn't yet been updated. It is coming! Bare in mind the amount of athletes we're working with. If you would like to jump the que, just email me at and I'll make it happen.

If you appreciate our work and want to show your support, feel free to "Buy us a coffee" by clicking the link above. All donations get invested directly back into making the database better!

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