Yacksury Gordon | Boxing | Awakening Fighters

Yacksury Gordon
Awakening Ally

Boxing Professional

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Yacksury Gordon personal details

First Name Yacksury
Last Name Gordon
Birth Name Yacksury Gordon Bucknall
Age 41 
Date of Birth June 15, 1983
Born Panama City, Panama
Residence Panama City, Panama
Status Active
Nationality Panamanian
Weight class Light Flyweight
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Height -
Reach -

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Yacksury Gordon fight history

L Janicy Dos Santos Unanimous Decision Boxing 01/27/24 Hotel El Panama, Panama City, Panama L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Teresa Almengor Unanimous Decision Boxing 12/17/22 Country Club La Estrella, David, Panama L
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Yaditza Perez Unanimous Decision Boxing 12/14/19 Gimnasio Escolar, David, Panama L
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Ibeth Zamora Silva TKO Boxing† 08/13/11 Deportivo Tlalli, Tlalnepantla, México, Mexico L
1:26 R3 / 10x2 Pro WBC Youth Light Flyweight title
W Yaditza Perez Unanimous Decision Boxing 01/27/11 Fantastic Casino, 24 de Diciembre, Panama W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Carlota Santos KO Boxing 07/31/10 Arena Panama Al Brown, Colon City, Panama L
1:34 R1 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
D Carlota Santos Draw (Split) Boxing 07/02/10 Centro de Convenciones COOPEVE, Santiago de Veraguas, Panama D
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Abigail Villar Unanimous Decision Boxing 08/20/09 Fantastic Casino, 24 de Diciembre, Panama L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
D Carlota Santos Draw (Majority) Boxing 04/18/09 Hotel Melia Panama Canal, Colon City, Panama D
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Yaditza Perez Unanimous Decision Boxing 02/19/09 Centro de Convenciones Atlapa, Panama City, Panama W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Aracelys De Leon Unanimous Decision Boxing 10/30/08 Centro de Convenciones Figali, Panama City, Panama L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Damiana Duran Majority Decision Boxing 08/19/08 Centro de Convenciones Atlapa, Panama City, Panama W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Panamanian female fighter Yacksury Gordon. Community based fighter ratings and feedback. Includes Boxing stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, videos and links for Yacksury Gordon.


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