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Shawna Anderson
Awakening Ally
United States

MMA Professional

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Shawna Anderson personal details

First Name Shawna
Last Name Anderson
Birth Name Shawna Anderson
Age 39 
Date of Birth July 31, 1985
Born United States
Residence North Dakota, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class Flyweight
Weight range 120 - 120lbs / 54.4 - 54.4kg
Preferred 120lbs / 54kg
Height 5ft 8in / 172cm
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Shawna Anderson martial arts details

MMA Professional
Boxing Professional

Shawna Anderson fight history

L Wamnee Ereaux Split Decision Boxing 03/25/17 Shrine Auditorium, Billings, Montana, United States L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Ariel Beck Disqualified (Illegal Strikes) MMA 03/19/16 Fightforce, Big Horn Resort, Montana, United States L
3:00 R3 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Davrene Morrison TKO (Elbows and Punches) MMA 05/30/15 Prize FC 9: Bakken Brawlers, Williston, North Dakota, United States W
2:15 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Mary Charbonneau Rear-Naked Choke MMA 01/17/15 XKO 24: Five Years Strong, Arlington, Texas, United States W
1:38 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Sarah Shell Rear-Naked Choke MMA 05/16/14 Prize Fighting Championship 6: Bakken Rumble L
4:56 R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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