Roxana Tenea | Boxing | Awakening Fighters

Roxana Tenea
Awakening Ally

Boxing Professional

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Rating: 8.7/10. From 3 votes.
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Roxana Tenea personal details

First Name Roxana
Last Name Tenea
Birth Name -
Age -
Date of Birth
Born Bucharest, Romania
Residence Bucharest, Romania
Status Active
Nationality Romanian
Weight class Light Flyweight
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Preferred -
Height -
Reach -

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Roxana Tenea martial arts details

Boxing Professional

Roxana Tenea fight history

Alicia Melina Kummer  TKO R1 /4×2 01:40 Boxing Pro 09/26/14 – Audi-Centrum, Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany
Soraya Sanchez TKO R2 /6×2 ……. Boxing Pro 11/01/08 – Gimnasio Moscardo, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Shanee Martin TKO R1 /4×2 01:19 Boxing Pro 09/07/08 – York Hall, Bethnal Green, London, United Kingdom
Nadege Szikora TKO R1 /4×2 ……. Boxing Pro 06/06/08 – Gymnase Maurice Bacquet, La Seyne-sur-Mer, Var, France
Aziza Oubaita TKO R2 /4×2 ……. Boxing Pro 03/27/08 – Cirque d’Hiver, Paris, Paris, France
Oezlem Sahin TKO R3 /4×2 ……. Boxing Pro 02/09/08 – Rheinstetten, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Kirstin Schoenig TKO R1 /4×2 ……. Boxing Pro 12/15/07 – Kampfsportakademie, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

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Roxana Tenea Awakening Profile.

Romanian female fighter Roxana Tenea . Community based fighter ratings and feedback. Includes Boxing stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, videos and links for Roxana Tenea .


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