Ray Harl | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Ray Harl
Awakening Ally
United States

MMA Amateur

Ray Harl fight stats

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Ray Harl fight records

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MMA (Amateur)


Rating: 9.8/10. From 4 votes.
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Ray Harl personal details

First Name Ray
Last Name Harl
Birth Name Rayanne Harl
Age -
Date of Birth
Born United States
Residence Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Preferred -
Height -
Reach -

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Ray Harl martial arts details

MMA Amateur

Ray Harl fight history

L Elizabeth Lewis Triangle Choke MMA† 12/19/15 Titans of the Cage 15, Rural Retreat, Virginia, United States L
2:11 R2 / 3x3 Amateur TOC Bantamweight Championship title
W Joy Miller TKO (Referee Stoppage) MMA† 04/11/15 Titans of the Cage 12, George Wythe High School, Wytheville, Virginia, United States W
2:49 R1 / 5x3 Amateur TOC Bantamweight title • 135 lbs (61.2 kg) • Main Card • Weigh-In: 135.8 lbs (61.6 kgs)
W Hannah Elswick Choke MMA 12/06/14 Titans of the Cage W
2:12 R1 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Hannah Elswick Guillotine Choke MMA 05/11/13 Premier Fighting Challenge L
1:12 R3 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Hannah Elswick Arm-Triangle Choke MMA 11/3/12 Titans of the Cage W
1:47 R1 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Ray Harl Awakening Profile.

Ray Harl MMA "Wonder Woman", American female fighter. Includes MMA stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, and more


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