Nikki Knudsen | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Nikki Knudsen
Awakening Ally
United States

MMA Professional

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Nikki Knudsen personal details

First Name Nikki
Last Name Knudsen
Birth Name Nicole Knudsen
Age 36 
Date of Birth November 21, 1988
Born Silverdale, Washington, United States
Residence Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class Bantamweight
Weight range 135 - 135lbs / 61 - 61kg
Preferred 135lbs / 61kg
Height 5ft 6in / 167cm
Reach 66.5in

Nikki Knudsen social networks

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Nikki Knudsen martial arts details

MMA Professional

Nikki Knudsen fight history

L Holly Holm TKO (Kick to the Body & Knees) MMA 10/11/13 LFC 24: Legacy Fighting Championship 24 L
1:18 R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Windy Thorn Rear-Naked Choke MMA 01/16/13 AFC 96: Tornado vs. Potbelly W
2:27 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Willow Bailey Rear-Naked Choke MMA 07/08/09 AFC 61: Best of the Best 5 L
..... R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Kloiah Wayland TKO MMA 04/08/09 AFC 58: Veterans Collide W
..... R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Nikki Knudsen Awakening Profile.

Nikki Knudsen MMA "Knuckles", American female fighter. Includes MMA stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, and more

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