Lexy Chaplin | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Lexy Chaplin
Awakening Ally

MMA Professional

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Rating: 10.0/10. From 1 vote.
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Lexy Chaplin personal details

First Name Lexy
Last Name Chaplin
Birth Name
Age 25 
Date of Birth July 8, 1999
Born Kościerzyn, Poland
Residence Warsaw, Poland
Status Active
Nationality Pole
Weight class
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Preferred -
Height 5ft 7in / 170cm
Reach -

Lexy Chaplin social networks

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Lexy Chaplin martial arts details

MMA Professional
Kickboxing Professional

Lexy Chaplin fight history

L Marta Linkiewicz Unanimous Decision Kickboxing 03/09/24 Clout MMA 4: Lexy vs. Linkimaster, Atlas Arena, Łódź, Poland L
3:00 R3 / 3x3 Pro 134 lbs (61.0 kg) • Main Card • Weigh-In 133.2 lbs (60.4 kgs)
W Paulina Hornik KO/TKO MMA 03/18/23 High League 6: pashaBiceps vs. Dubiel, Spodek Katowice, Katowice, Poland W
2:15 R2 / 3x3 Pro Open Weight • Main Card • Weigh-In 138.5 lbs (62.8 kgs)
W Natalia Karczmarczyk Unanimous Decision MMA† 09/17/22 High League 4: Natsu vs. Lexy 2, Arena Gliwice, Gliwice, Poland W
3:00 R3 / 3x3 Pro vacant HL Flyweight Championship title • 126 lbs • Main Event • Weigh-In 125.7 lbs (57.0 kgs)
W Agata Fąk KO/TKO MMA 02/05/22 High League 2: pashaBiceps vs. Owca WK, Tauron Arena, Kraków, Poland W
1:52 R1 / 3x3 Pro Open Weight • Main Card • Weigh-In 127.9 lbs (58.0 kgs)
L Natalia Karczmarczyk Unanimous Decision MMA 08/28/21 High League 1, Ergo Arena, Gdańsk/Sopot, Poland L
3:00 R3 / 3x3 Pro Open Weight • Main Event • Weigh-In 124.3 lbs (56.4 kgs)

Lexy Chaplin’s Bio

Lexy Chaplin is a female mma fighter.

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