Jaala Tomat | Boxing | Awakening Fighters

Jaala Tomat
Awakening Ally

Boxing Professional

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Jaala Tomat personal details

First Name Jaala
Last Name Tomat
Nickname/s Ja Ja
Birth Name
Age 34 
Date of Birth May 16, 1990
Born Canberra, Australia
Residence Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Status Active
Nationality Australian
Weight class
Weight range - lbs / - kg
Height 5ft 7in / 170cm
Reach 71in

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Jaala Tomat martial arts details

Boxing Professional

Jaala Tomat fight history

L Stephanie Lee Cutting Points Boxing† 10/05/24 Westend Market Hotel, Sunshine, Victoria, Australia L
2:00 R8 / 8x2 Pro Australian Featherweight title
W Krystina Jacobs Majority Decision Boxing† 06/22/24 Croatian Club, Footscray, Victoria, Australia W
2:00 R8 / 8x2 Pro vacant Australian Featherweight title
W Ayisha Abied Split Decision Boxing† 11/11/23 St Kilda Town Hall, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia W
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro vacant Australian National Boxing Federation Australasian Featherweight title
L Angel Rushton Unanimous Decision Boxing 07/26/23 Hoops Capital East, Moore Park, New South Wales, Australia L
2:00 R5 / 5x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Pam McClelland Unanimous Decision Boxing 04/22/23 St Kilda Town Hall, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia W
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Erini Ramirez Unanimous Decision Boxing† 03/17/23 Westend Market Hotel, Sunshine, Victoria, Australia W
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro vacant Australia - Victoria State Featherweight title
L Shanell Dargan Majority Decision Boxing 07/20/22 Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
D Erini Ramirez Draw (Majority) Boxing 07/03/22 The Melbourne Pavilion, Flemington, Victoria, Australia D
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Kendall Byrnes Unanimous Decision Boxing 05/07/22 Nissan Arena, Nathan, Queensland, Australia L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Jaala Tomat's Bio

Jaala Tomat is a female boxer.

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