Graziele Ricotta | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Graziele Ricotta
Awakening Ally

MMA Professional

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Rating: 9.8/10. From 5 votes.
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Graziele Ricotta personal details

First Name Graziele
Last Name Ricotta
Birth Name -
Age 39 
Date of Birth November 19, 1985
Born Brazil
Residence Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo
Status Active
Nationality Brazilian
Weight class Strawweight
Weight range 110 - 120lbs / 50 - 54kg
Preferred 115lbs / 52kg
Height 4ft 11in / 149cm
Reach -

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Graziele Ricotta martial arts details

MMA Professional

Graziele Ricotta fight history

L Thaty Bergamaschi Unanimous Decision MMA 09/12/15 NCE 1, Praça Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil L
5:00 R3 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Anne Karoline Armbar MMA 03/01/15 Curitiba Top Fight 9: O Retorno, Brazil L
2:06 R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Tabatha Ricci Unanimous Decision MMA 10/04/14 Brazilian Fighting Championship 4, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil L
5:00 R3 /3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Arielle Souza Keylock MMA 09/18/14 Circuito de Lutas Fight Night 3, Brazil L
4:52 R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Carolina Raposo KO (Punch) MMA 06/14/14 Strong Fight Combat W
0:47 R1 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
D Luciana Treze Draw (Majority) MMA 03/30/14 MMASH: MMA Super Heroes 3 D
5:00 R3 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Bianca Reis Rear-Naked Choke MMA 02/01/14 Legion Fight Championship 2, Strikeforce Academy, Indaiatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil L
2:17 R1 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Graziele Ricotta Awakening Profile.

Brazilian female fighter Graziele Ricotta. Community based fighter ratings and feedback. Includes MMA stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, videos and links for Graziele Ricotta MMA.

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