Diana Reyes | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Diana Reyes
Awakening Ally

MMA Professional

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MMA 1 Submission
2 TKOs

Diana Reyes fight records

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Diana Reyes personal details

First Name Diana
Last Name Reyes
Birth Name Diana Reyes
Age 37 
Date of Birth December 26, 1986
Born Mexico City, Mexico
Residence Mexico
Status Active
Nationality Mexican
Weight class Flyweight
Weight range 125 - 135lbs / 57 - 61.2kg
Preferred 125lbs / 57kg
Height 5ft 3.5in / 161cm
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Diana Reyes martial arts details

MMA Professional

Diana Reyes fight history

W Alejandra Orozco TKO MMA 08/18/17 XFL 35, Carpa Astros, México W
2:49 R1 Pro Flyweight • 125 lbs • Main Card
W Gabriela Hernandez TKO (Punches) MMA 04/21/17 Xtreme Fighters Latino: XFL 34, Carpa Astros, Ciudad de México W
2:04 R1 Pro Flyweight • 125 lbs • Preliminary Card
W Montserrat Alvarez Cienfuegos Armbar MMA 02/20/16 XK 31, Mexico W
..... R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Lizbeth Lopez Silva Armbar MMA 01/30/16 CFL: CFL 2, Gonzalez Salon, Ixtlahuaca de Rayon, State of Mexico, Mexico W
..... R2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Colleen Schneider TKO (Doctor Stoppage) MMA 08/22/15 AMK 3, Fausto Gutierrez Moreno Auditorium, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico L
3:51 R3 / 3x5 Pro Main Card
L Reina Cordoba Armbar MMA 04/18/15 CRF 16, Club Pepper, Zapote, Costa Rica L
2:45 R3 / 3x5 Pro 125 lbs • Main Event
L Montserrat Conejo Ruiz TKO (Punches) MMA 02/28/15 UFL 5, Colonial City Centre, Cuautitlan Izcalli, State of Mexico, Mexico L
3:10 R1 / 3x5 Pro Main Card
L Reina Cordoba TKO (Punches) MMA 06/12/14 Center Real Fights L
2:06 R3 / 3x5 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Pamela Gonzalez Armbar MMA 04/15/14 MMA Madness 1, Madness Training Center, Texcoco de Mora, Mexico W
..... ..... Pro Main Card

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