The inaugural USA Boxing Women’s Championships in Toledo, Ohio, July 22-29, 2023, will be delivered in association with World Boxing.
The eight-day invitational event is open to novice (beginner) and open (experienced) boxers of all ages from pee wee (aged 8-10) to masters (35 and over) and aims to create opportunities for women of all ages and abilities to compete.
More than 200 boxers from eight National Federations across four continents are currently registered to take part.
The President of USA Boxing and a member of World Boxing’s Interim Executive Board, Tyson Lee, said: “USA Boxing is extremely proud to be able to host this event in association with World Boxing. The Championships aim to celebrate women and create valuable competition opportunities for female boxers of all standards and ages.
“Working with USA Boxing to deliver this event is a sign of World Boxing’s support for boxers at every level, from the grassroots to the elite, and its commitment to creating competitive opportunities that will enable all boxers to flourish.”
World Boxing was launched in April 2023. It will hold its inaugural Congress in November and plans to publish details of its competition strategy, tournament calendar and the bidding process for staging events in the latter part of 2023.
For further media information, contact World Boxing’s media representatives at: Media@worldboxing.org
Lee Murgatroyd, Director, Point Communications Ltd
o Email: lee.murgatroyd@pointcommunications.co
o Tel: +44 7974 161 166
• Brian Taylor, Communications and Digital Media Manager, USA Boxing (Contact for media inquiries from North and South America)
• Email: btaylor@usaboxing.org
• Tel: 1-910-207-1969
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World Boxing
World Boxing is a non-profit international federation set up to administer the sports of Olympic-style boxing, Paralympic boxing (otherwise called “Adaptive boxing”) and E-sport boxing. It is a civil association founded for an unlimited period of time having its own legal identity as a non-profit organization in accordance with Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code. World Boxing is under the jurisdiction of Switzerland. It has a Swiss bank account and has appointed Swiss auditors.
World Boxing’s website is www.worldboxing.org
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