Wow what a month! We wanted to share with you some of the progress our website made last month, and largely due to you, our supporters. Last year we worked hard to bring you the first Awakening site, but we were disappointed with the number visitors we were getting. We know that the Awakening mission is a worthy one, so we decided to largely rethink how we do things. So we redesigned, restructured and invested in a better server. We then re-launched on Christmas Day, and since then we've been astounded by the response - it's here we say a hearty thank you!
Each day we receive more visitors than we did per month on our old website, and we have received almost 100,000 visits in just one month. This is around five times the amount of visits we received in a whole year on the old site! We've also reached many more countries too. It's promising for us to be achieving such a large reach within such a short amount of time - it's good for us, but also and interesting insight into the growth of the female fight community.
Our Global Female Martial Artist Register is going from strength to strength too. During January we added 275 new fighter profiles, and we updated information on hundreds of others. Many athletes contacted us with more information on themselves to be added to their profiles. This made all of the work worth it, for it showed that we have created something of worth that athletes could be proud of… this was, and continues to be a huge compliment to us. We also had approximately 40 athletes contact us using the "Add Yourself" system - this always makes our life easier!
The "Submit an Event" feature has not done so well, with only one promoter submitting their event. Of course this does not mean the Event Calendar itself is not working, it's full of global events, and it receives quite a lot of traffic each day from people searching events on google - and finding us. We would love to attract promoters in submitting their events and it's something we will continue to work on.
Overall, January has been a real boost to our confidence, a pat on the back from you the community. So we thank you whole heartedly for supporting us, and sharing and interacting with our content. We really hope that Awakening continues to benefit everyone that uses it!
Thank you from the Awakening team! 🙂