Nong Em Tor Vittaya
Muay Thai Fighter

Thanks to Nong Em for helping us out with info for the Nong Em Tor Vittaya Awakening Profile.
Born Siriluk Kaewcha, and currently known as Nong Em Tor Vittaya, this very skilled 17 year old fighter from Thailand has already had over 100 fights! She has won multiple amateur championships in both Muay Thai and Wushu, and is 4x Professional Provicincial Muay Thai Champ. To top this string of championships off she also happens to be National Champion in Shootfighting. If that isn't impressive enough for such a young lady, she is also already an instructor in both Muay Thai and Wushu!
We asked her how martial arts touches her life and she replied...
"Live, breathe and eat fighting! 100 fights in my back pocket, Wushu, Muay Thai and shootfighting!"
Nong Em has had notable vitories over Irine Plaza at Angel Fight Extreme and twice over Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu. It's also worthy of note that Nong Em is the first Thai fighter to contact us directly to help us with her profile!
Nong Em tor Vittaya's team and management
Santai Muay Thai
Cham ครูแชมป์ วูซู นครพนม