NCWB1 – An interview with Ashley Nichols (Part 1)
On the 15th of August in Quebec, Canada, Ashley Nichols faces Amanda Lovato at the Nordic Coliseum Women Boxing event, NCWB1. The event itself will be historic, as it's the first all-female boxing card in Canada. We decided to call on our friend Ashley Nichols and speak to her about the event and her preparations. As a person she is very humble and polite, and as a fighter she can be considered very experienced. Although she makes her professional Boxing debut at the event, she has had 60 fights in various disciplines and has won a string of titles and accolades.
Hi Ashley, thanks for speaking to us on such short notice!
“Hi, of course, I admire the work Awakening does for the women in combat sports around the world! I’m pleased to give an interview!”
You know just how to butter us up! We will start with the NCWB1 specific questions first of all. What can you tell us about your opponent Amanda Lovato?
“I know she has kickboxing, boxing, and MMA experience, and so she is also a cross-over athlete who has experience in another discipline coming into boxing for her professional boxing debut.”
As we mentioned in the introduction, you are a multi-discipline fighter yourself. How has your training camp differed for this Boxing fight if you compare it with preparing for MMA or Muay Thai?
“I have been working regularly with a very experienced boxing coach who has given me an edge like never before! I’m working with my teammates who have boxing experience as well. It has been really exciting to change the focus. Since my last Muaythai match, I have been training 6 days a week, and recently, boxing 6 days a week so I can really feel the difference with endurance, and speed. In preparation, it is all boxing, so the transition has been great because I enjoy learning and I am seeing the progression in technique.”
..and do you have a prediction for how this fight with play out?
“I know that when I put my all into growing and giving it 100% in my training camp, than the outcome will be what I put in! I can say I am giving it my all for this training camp and I believe in the fight, the fans will see the transition in my fitness, technique, and abilities! And as always I will be determined until the last bell!”
Well we’ve seen your work ethic first hand, so we’re very excited to see you on the 15th. Do you feel any additional pressure for this fight? We ask because of all the unique elements it poses, ie. You're Canadian, fighting in your professional Boxing debut, on a Canadian event that happens to be the first all-female boxing card in your country. Has this occurred to you, or are you taking it all in your stride?
“This is a very special event as it is an all-women’s event, with athletes from all across North America, so I feel really empowered and honoured to be asked to be on the card. And the fact that it is so close to home is even more significant. Although it is a new discipline I will be competing in and my first one, I feel the determination to put on a great show for the fans and for my team!”
How do you see the importance of the NCWB1 event to female combat sports?
“I think this is an event for all who enjoy combat sports, and respect martial arts for those who love the competitors of these sports. As you know, most of the women on the card including myself and my opponent have experience in other forms of combat sports, so getting an opportunity to showcase that we have the skill to crossover successfully into boxing will also prove we have what it takes to accomplish anything we put our minds to! This NCWB1 event is really going to allow women the opportunity to show the talent and focus that women martial artists hold; we are versatile and capable!”
So very well put! Interestingly, we know that you started Boxing at the age of 15, as your first step into martial arts. For the benefit of our readers can you tell us how this came about?
“Yes of course, there were a few factors in getting involved in boxing; self-defence and discipline were among them, but I think mostly, I needed to find what I was passionate about. I had moved so many times growing up so staying consistent with training was difficult. I knew that when I was training, the amount of focus, hard-work, and determination it took for me to accomplish the short-term/long-term goals I set there was really gratifying. From the training, I became balanced and could see myself having combat sports as a part of my life. And today that reigns true!”
Although you've had a total of 60 fights in various disciplines (we urge our viewers to check out your Awakening profile!), is it true that you haven't actually had any amateur Boxing fights?
“It’s been an amazing growing journey in Muaythai, competing at various tournaments in North America, and internationally, I have even competed in low-kick kickboxing to stay active in-between Muaythai matches. And yes, it is true; I have no boxing fights going into this match.”
For tickets info, you can either contact NCWB at or at 819 918 7847. Tickets cost 65$ each. There are group special discounts available. The event and weigh in will be also live online on GFL.TV for 15$.
To continue reading, click here for An interview with Ashley Nichols (Part 2)